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You're qualified for a FREE 1 Oz. Farewell Funk Foot Powder Tester!
Organic Goldenseal Root and Black Walnut blend with a cooling blend of essential oils, making this powder perfect for sweaty, stinky feets. Check out the Farewell Funk Salve for dry, itchy funky invasions. Farewell Funk Foot Powder will last a good long while as long as it stays dry.
Specs 6 months from opening FM-FFP-2OZ-SH 857993006188 330499The potent power of herbs mixed with white clay makes for an effective foot powder that will keep your feet dry and keep funk running scared.
Powder directly on feet or into those stanky sneakers.
Store in a cool and dry place. Our products are organic and freshly made-to-order skin food. We do not use toxins that make things last forever.
1oz Tester